With the best will in the world even the the most sophisticated businesses, large or small, are not immune to making a mistake, give poor advice or suffer alleged poor conduct. Professional indemnity policies provide protection for companies from significant or even complete financial ruin through alleged errors or omissions that may or may not be correct. Policies can indemnify businesses against claims made against them and legal defence costs.
Professional Indemnity is a must for any firm that provides:
-advice of any description
-a service
-a design
-or receives private or confidential information
In addition, professional indemnity is required where a business is contracted to another firm that insists on professional indemnity cover or where this is a requirement under FCA regulations or through membership of a trade body. Cover can be provided on an “any one “loss” or “aggregate” basis with indemnity limits as low as £100,000, depending on your business sector. Worldwide cover is also available.
Entirely impartial and having access to almost the whole market, we provide policies for:
–the financial sector
-the design and construct building industry
-property management and trustees
-trade associations
-estate agents
-miscellaneous professions
In some instances, we are even able to combine a clients liability policy to give added value.
We offer Directors and Officers policies that cover individuals to either compliment a professional indemnity policy or in isolation at extremely low rates.
Please call or email: PI@graftoninsurance.co.uk