Thank you for visiting our liability insurance page. Here you will see that we are able to provide extremely competitive terms for a multitude of trades and businesses that need protection against claims from the public, their employees or the products they produce. Cover can be selected on an individual basis or married with other risks to form a specific combined policy.
We re-iterate that no two business are the same and will deliver protections that are immediately recognizable along with less obvious but nonetheless exposed elements of your business. In addition to the core elements of cover, industry specific sub categories of cover can also be included, typical examples would be the inclusion of ” failure to perform” cover in the security and electrical industries or the provision of “fidelity” cover for the cleaning, employment and hospitality industries.
- Public Liability
- Employers Liability
- Products liability
- High Hazard Trades – Roofing, Scaffolding, Groundwork
- Contract works, tools, plant and machinery options
For a comprehensive, cost effective solution, please email: liability@graftoninsurance.co.uk
We would be delighted to speak to you: 01932 450154.